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Leadership: Theory and Practice 7th Edition

Peter G Northouse


This book provided an overview of different types of leadership styles, as well as examples of how they can be applied in a real life setting. This approach did not offer one particular leadership style for a singular situation or group of people, but offered various lenses to view leadership. 

The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why

Richard E. Nisbett


The topics covered in this book provided multiple perspectives as to how and why people think differently. The book was rooted in psychological research done with various countries in the East and West, and discussed how these differences take shape in daily life. In particular, I was able to see how knowledge of these ideas is important in a work environment, where I will be working with a variety of people. 

Work Rules! Insights from Inside Google 

Laszlo Block 


This book was written by a Google employee, where he shared some of the most important ways to create a winning work environment. Surrounding the idea of creating a successful and thriving work environment, Google has found four tenants to success as it pertains to the work environment that include: building a high-freedom culture, hiring the top talent, manage performance, and encourage growth and learning. In addition, Google's ongoing research on what the most effective and successful teams have in common will be information that will be continuously be used in my future career. 

Psychology and Work: Perspectives on Industrial and Organizational Psychology 

Donald Truxillo, Tayla Bauer, and Berrin Edrogan


The concepts generated from this text combined the psychology behind components of creating a successful work environment, with practical case studies to give further examples how the concepts may be of use in particular work places, at particular times. 

Lean In

Sheryl Sandberg


This book helped me to begin to understand some of the challenges that business leaders are currently facing.Sandberg, a Facebook executive, enlightens readers about the issues of gender inequality in the U.S, and worldwide.The book also offers concrete ways that people can support and enable more women to take charge in the work place. 

Mass Communication: Living in a Media World (Media and Public Opinion), 4th Edition 

Ralph E. Hanson


This book observed the way that communication has evolved over time, particularly looking at how the emergence of technology has altered communication styles. It also analyzed ways in which technology has had immense effects on societal trends, and its implications. Awareness of these changes is important to keep in mind as these shifts affect society as a whole, but how businesses will communicate. 


Well-Being At Work: A Review of The Literature 

Jeffery Mahony 


This journal article provided the basis for the research for my senior project. In this comprehensive literature review, the researchers observed and analyzed different strategies for increasing well-being in the workplace. They also found various positive effects associated with higher levels of well-being. Some of the overlapping strategies found across multiple studies to increase well-being and create more positive work environments included: importance of social support at work, overall health of employees, finding the work meaningful, job crafting, and positive leadership. These strategies were all associated with higher levels of employee engagement, job satisfaction, productivity, and profitability. I was inspired by these findings, and from there decided to conduct research of my own on the topic of healthy work environments. 

The Effect of Psychological WellBeing on Employee Job Performance 

Alvi Usman 


This report details the various positive effects that wellbeing has on the individual employee, as well as the overall organization.The report is one of many findings showing the positive influences that positive well-being has on increased job performance and job satisfaction.  



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